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Women Entrepreneurship – Connect to Create and Accelerate Your Business

Over 120 businesswomen attended the first day of the conference “Women Entrepreneurship – Connect to Start and Improve Your Business” organized by UN Women Serbia in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality equality, Privredna komora Srbije, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Udruzenje poslovnih zena Srbije / Association of Business Women in Serbia and supported by Evropska mreža preduzetništva Srbije

During 3 panels, the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the following topics:

➡️ Transformation of business in order to grow; Emilija Andonova our Programme manager in Foundation for Management and Industrial Research took part in this pannel as one of the panelist together with: Jasmina Knežević, Dragana Kokot, Ivana Radic, Ljiljana Ahmetovic

➡️ Women and innovation;

➡️ Potentials and sources of financing for female entrepreneurship.

Successful entrepreneurs shared their experiences at the panels, while representatives of international organizations and international financial institutions provided information on available types of support for women entrepreneurship.

After the panel discussions, over 50 b2b meetings were held during which entrepreneurs took the opportunity to connect with each other and achieve business cooperation.

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