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WEgate Summit 2022

#WEGetFinance: Invest in and with Women Entrepreneurs in Europe

17 October 2022 at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels, Belgium

Join us to discuss how to provide better access to finance for women entrepreneurs! It is essential to their business success!

During this event, when we will be joined by women entrepreneurs, policymakers and support agencies, and financiers, we will look at the opportunities to create an enabling ecosystem to contribute to higher levels of investment in women-driven companies. Thanks to the participation of these audiences, we will host a unique tripartite gathering that will cover all areas of the access to finance for women entrepreneurs: the financial literacy of women entrepreneurs fit for a digital economyalternative financing models to a closer collaboration between policymakers and financial institutions and more.

For its third edition, the WEgate Summit is going live: our community will meet in Brussels on the 17th of October for a day of inspiring stories, innovative ideas, networking and community-building!

Register Here

Please note the event will take place live in Brussels

Register for Online Matchmaking on our partner platform SME2B here

How can you benefit from this event?

  • Become part of the WEgate Community to learn about the latest resources to support the development of your business at European level.
  • Network with like-minded women entrepreneurs across Europe and beyond, connect, and continue your conversations long after the event ends;
  • As a policymaker, learn and develop your understanding of the European business ecosystem through insights from inspiring female entrepreneurs. Hear from a balanced and enticing speaker line-up covering thought-provoking conversations and pressing topics you need to learn all about.
  • As a financier, discover opportunities for exciting new investments in women-led companies.


The OECD (2021) report on ‘Missing Entrepreneurs’ and last year’s WEbarometer (2021) report found that the most significant challenge facing potential, nascent and existing women entrepreneurs is access to finance. How to provide better access to finance has been a critical topic for WEgate across 2022: the WEgate Summit 2022 will focus on this theme and will bring together everything we learned across this year of work.

Discover the WEgate Summit 2021

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