Third Annual Summit of the National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship “WOMEN IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP – KEY TO STRENGTHENING THE ECONOMY”
Dear members and collaborators of the National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship,
The Association of Business Women in partnership with the Foundation for Management and Industrial Research and the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce invites you to the Third Annual Summit of the National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship on the topic “WOMEN IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP – A KEY TO STRENGTHENING THE ECONOMY”.

The summit is organized as an annual event of the “National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship” project, co-financed by the European Union, and will be held on November 23 and 24, 2023 at the Marriott Hotel, Skopje.
The main objective of the Summit is to increase the visibility and profile of the Platform and the benefits it provides to stakeholders and women’s entrepreneurship. The event will have international participation with more than 100 participants and will provide a unique approach to sharing best practices and ideas for the promotion, development and support of women’s entrepreneurship.
The discussion between the present representatives from various institutions, organizations and women entrepreneurs, who are significant for the development of the women’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, will result in conclusions aimed at improving the current challenges faced by this sector.
At the Summit, 5 awards will be awarded, three from the Ministry of Economy: the most successful entrepreneur in micro, small and medium enterprises, and the National Platform will give awards for the Best Young Leader and for the Best Civil organization – good practice.
Reserve your place at the Summit for attendance at the following link Пријава за учество на настан ,,Женско претприемништво – Клуч за зајакнување на економијата,, – Трет годишен Самит на Национална платформа за женско претприемништво