Signed contract for national co-financing through the IPA program for cross-border cooperation
The Director of the Foundation for Management and Industrial Research Gabriela Kostovska Bogoeska signed the contract for national co-financing through the IPA program for cross-border cooperation between Serbia and Macedonia through open calls for 2016-2020 with the Minister of Local Self-Government Goran Milevski.

The Foundation for Management and Industrial Research is implementing the project “Fit for the needs – Raise opportunities for underdeveloped areas”, in order to contribute to economic empowerment and increase employment among the rural population, especially women and youth, in 3 areas: agricultural products, traditional crafts- handicrafts and rural and agro tourism.

This project will establish measures to support end users in cooperation with local authorities in the target municipalities and strengthen the capacity of: a) end users / local rural communities in relation to new forms of employment and cooperation in agriculture and rural development, and b) local municipal authorities for programming and monitoring the results of LED measures.

The project is implemented in partnership with the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), Belgrade; Ruza Women’s Association, Lebane; Civil Center “AktivUM”, Kumanovo.