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Representatives of Staro Nagoricane discussed intervention areas and measures in order to create enabling environment for development of the rural economy

Part of the Cross-border Programme, supported by the European Union, Foundation for management and industrial research in partnership with NALED and Women Association ,,Rose’’ from Serbia and Association  for Activism, Education, Culture and ART from Kumanovo are implementing the project  ,,Fit for the needs – Raise opportunities for the underdeveloped areas’’. With this project will be achieved economic empowerment of the population from the rural areas in five municipalities of the Northeast region in Macedonia and in the Jablanica and Pcinja regions in Serbia.

In order to create enabling environment for development of the rural economy of the Municipality of Staro Nagoricane consultation with the citizens from the rural areas was held on 21 of September 2021, attended by representatives from the municipality of Staro Nagoricane involved in the creation of measures, local organizations and private business sector. Foundation for management and industrial research opened very powerful discussion about the most promising areas that has been tackled in the Staro Nagoricane, discussed potential measures from the local budget that can be defined and other possible fundings and shared potential areas for intervention. In achieving better results, networking among aspiring entrepreneurs, representatives of intuitions and organisations, potential owners of companies are needed and was highlighted at the consultation meeting.

The most important topics that has been covered were Rural development – agriculture and tourism, Development od SMEs and Institutional support of the community. The list with the proposals was long enough to state that the most important steps in this phase are to involve more trainings for the interested citizens regarding agriculture and tourism, sharing of good practices and participation in study visits, fairs, match making events, investment in promotion of the Municipality and touristic areas by attracting more tourists, trainings for making business plans and education regarding branding.

When all the consultations with the involved parts will be implemented and the most promising areas will be selected, incentive measures from the local budget will be defined, including selection of the end users who will be provided with education and mentoring.

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