Program areas

Mir 4

We strive to make a real difference to the country’s economic performance by supporting existing businesses and encouraging the growth of new businesses. With our support services, entrepreneurship and vocational training programmes, we aim to:

  • Contribute to the development of the Macedonian SME sector
  • Support the development of an entrepreneurial society
  • Foster lifelong learning, education and training as basis for employment and economic progress

We initiate projects and provide advisory services for improving industrial performance and competitiveness of the Macedonian SME sector, the largest provider of employment and the backbone of the national economy.

The development of the SME sector depends largely on the individuals who have ideas and are ready to take risk. We aim to support the development of the entrepreneurial society through fostering the creation of entrepreneurial culture and mindset among different societal groups.

By blending business training and practical courses we promote informal learning as one of the drivers of the economic growth.

Sustainable economic growth is strongly connected to investment in technology, research and innovation. To achieve this we have developed research & innovation concepts that aim to:

  • Encourage and promote innovation and technology transfer
  • Support research and technological development
  • Improve innovation system and programmes, nationally and regionally

We work with companies from the generation of an innovative idea to its transformation into a technology based business.

Our technology transfer and innovation support services generate added value for companies and increase their competitiveness.

We support local innovation projects and development of new technologies for better technology and society.

Our research activities generate solutions for the benefit of SMEs and other target groups.

Environmental protection is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. 

Promoting sustainable environmental development and intelligent energy use is one of our goals. We support green economy through eco-innovations and environmental services for generating business opportunities from environmental challenges.

Energy efficiency and energy saving is vital for the protection of the environment and most powerful and cost-effective means for achieving a sustainable energy future.

We encourage actions towards environment protection through energy efficient products and practices.

Social cohesion is one of the bases of economic development and sustainable growth. Combating discrimination and social exclusion on the labour market, implementation of initiatives for increased employment and education after compulsory schooling is high on our policy agenda. We focus on:

  • Combating social exclusion and discrimination on the labour market
  • Promoting gender equality, integration and diversity in a society for all

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