Kick-off Conference for the EU-WB Policy Dialogue Stakeholder Platform
The Conference “Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans – Vision 2030 – Digital/Green/Health Pathways” aims at stimulating a policy dialogue on how to align priorities in the Western Balkans (WB), focusing on policy making, stakeholder engagement and policy implementation tools across three thematic areas: Digital Transformation, Green Deal and Healthy Societies. One of the objectives of the POLICY ANSWERS project is to build bridges between national/regional priorities and EU priorities, and to support the inclusion of the WB in relevant EU initiatives and platforms, such as European Partnerships, Missions, and Smart Specialisation platforms, towards a digital, green and healthy future in the WB.

The Conference is set to bring together government representatives from the WB and other key stakeholders, representatives from the European Commission and external experts to address the state of the WB and discuss priorities for the years ahead: the Vision 2030.
It presents an opportunity for professionals to engage in a constructive, forward-looking dialogue and to propose effective solutions and instruments for aligning the WB priorities with EU priorities towards greener, digital and more resilient economies and healthier societies. Through the collaborative approach and the focus on long-term goals, the Conference has the potential to yield a positive outcome and benefit all parties involved.
After a high-level opening, the policy dialogue’s three sessions will discuss EU initiatives and opportunities for the WB focusing on crucial instruments for achieving sustainable growth in the region.
- Session 1 is a plenary which provides a snapshot of the WB region and of its pathway to implementing a Digital and Green Agenda and a Health Policy for the wealth of citizens and the development of sustainable economies. The session will also highlight best practices in each WB economy that can serve as a model for the region. The initial findings will serve as a launching point for the next session.
- Session 2 will be set in a parallel format for each thematic area (Digital, Green and Health) with a focus on the challenges. It will act as a ‘door opener’, stimulating interactive discussions where all attendees can actively participate and share their insights in the factual findings and challenges presented. This will also include collaborations with European Partnerships, Missions and S3 platforms. The first two sessions will lay the groundwork for the third session, focusing on proposing solutions.
- Session 3 will also be set in a parallel format, aiming at stimulating discussions among key stakeholders from the WB and the EU. The session’s objective is to identify practical solutions and effective instruments for overcoming challenges and promoting the adoption of best practices in the region.
The Concluding Session will be a plenary, providing the floor to the regional experts to reflect on the key takeaways and recommendations that arose from the three sessions. Strategies will be identified to address the challenges encountered within each thematic area.
The Conference will stimulate the creation of a roadmap with recommendations for a green and digital transition and new trends in healthcare.
You can register by clicking on the following link:
The project supports political dialogue, including formal meetings, monitoring and agenda setting, capacity building and implementation of the EU agenda for the Western Balkans, as well as alignment of thematic priorities. It will implement regional pilot activities and upgrade the information center based on the platform. 14 partner organisations, representing network nodes in the region and EU expert organisations, support policy dialogue through ministerial meetings, Steering Platform meetings and ad hoc policy meetings. They provide analytical evidence through monitoring and mapping activities (of the stakeholder ecosystem, implementation of the Western Balkans agenda and integration into the European Research Area).