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Share your good practices in supporting women entrepreneurs

 WEgate and its community of women entrepreneurs needs your wisdom, skills and resources, so get involved now

The WEgate community is the European WE community of practice, that focuses on engaging a growing and diverse number of stakeholders supporting women entrepreneurs across Europe. The main objective of the WEgate community is to enhance WE by facilitating networking, peer-learning and sharing good practices between actors in order to improve the support effectively delivered to women entrepreneurs and to motivate more women to start their business or to support the development of their business across Europe. At the same time, contributing to the public policy processes for improving WE-related conditions, advocating and representing the interests of the women entrepreneurs in front of WE-related institutions and relevant stakeholders.

Why partner on women entrepreneurship development?

The strength of the WEgate community lies on the vast experience of its members. Promoting the partnering around the topic of WE development is a question of efficiency and doing what we as WEgate members do best. Joining efforts means achieving better impact and building momentum to support women’s empowerment. Finally, sustainability is to hard to achieve alone.

WEgate offers an ideal environment for the transferability of good practice because: a) the community members have a common objective – supporting WE, and b) they have a common platform to sharing good practices (i.e. the WEgate e-platform).

With this call for submission of good practices, WEgate aims to facilitate the process of surfacing good practices within the community with a potential for replication and transferability. More concretely, we aim to:

  • Gain insight into WE initiatives: Exploring what initiatives are learning and reflecting on from practical experience.
  • Strengthen practice: Focusing on reaching scale and effective uptake and facilitation approaches.
  • Strengthen coordination: Building awareness of other initiatives / WE practices /strategies that it would be beneficial to coordinate with.
  • Strengthen collaboration: Building relationships among WEgate community members, incentivizing improved collaboration.
  • Strengthen a culture of learning: Building relationships and demonstrating practical benefits of sharing.

What is a good practice?

Good practice is a process, initiative or working method that has proved successful to a) meet the needs of the women entrepreneurs or to b) optimise the operational performance of the WE stakeholders. Good practice is practically a successful response, developed by the WEgate community members, to address different challenges in WE development, ranging from policy development, promotion of WE, capacity building, through services for women entrepreneurs, to intra-organisational tools for improved operational performance.

 Why participate

Get a chance to promote your best practice during the peer-learning webinar for celebrating Women Entrepreneurship Day on 19th of November 2020 and/or share it with the whole community via the WEgate e-platform and social media channels!

Who can apply

Stakeholders supporting women entrepreneurs to start-up and growth and/or organisations implementing different WE – related initiatives.

How to participate

The application process is now open!

Apply with your good practice and share it with the world! Fill the good practice application form here.

This is a continuous call for submission of good practices with a first cut-off date 31 October 2020.

If you are interested to take part in 2020 WED celebration, please apply no later than 31.10.2020 (COB).

The chosen applications for the webinar will be contacted latest by 07.11.2020, so their participation and presentation can be arranged.

 You need more information?

Should you have any doubt or enquiry do not hesitate contact us:

WEgate – European gateway for women entrepreneurship

Gabriela Kostovska Bogoeska

WEgate community coordinator

e-mail: gabriela@mir-org-mk.preview-domain.com

Phone: 00 389 2 3108 891


Elena Stojanovic

Knowledge transfer expert

e-mail: elena@mir-org-mk.preview-domain.com

Phone: 00 389 2 3103 660










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