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Call for hosting a Peer- learning study visit

‘Opportunities & Networking with European peers in the field of women entrepreneurship’

National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship – NPWE is organizing a peer-learning study visit to foster networking with other European peers, exchanging of good practices and creating partnerships.

The peer-learning study visit is expected to accomplish multiple goals including:

  • gaining insight into the initiatives;
  •  strengthening practice within the platform but also strengthening collaboration;
  • coordination, and culture of learning.

The study visit will involve 10 members of the National Platform for Women Entrepreneurship.

  • Who can apply to this call?

Organisations/institutions working in the field of women entrepreneurship. Fill the form: to let us know that you are willing to conduct a study visit in your organisation/institution. We are eager to help in any way-from brainstorming together ideas to drafting agenda for the visit.

  • What we are covering?

Travel costs, accommodation, and food (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and refreshments for all the participants in the study visit.

  • When will take place?

 The timeline for organisation of the study visit will be September 2023 –November 2023.

  • Where will take place?

Host organisation/institution shall provide support for booking the hotel for the participants in the study visit and provide various location for the visit. Support us with a plan of suggested venues and premisses to be visited.

  • Why you should apply for this call?

 You have successful initiatives/topics to shared and you want to present your good practice with others. You are organising a networking event and conference and want to attract stakeholders/organisations working in the field of women entrepreneurship. You want to promote and disseminate your results via social media channels. The host organisation/institution will receive promotion on our web site in a form of article, space for sharing their good practice and expertise in our WEradio podcasts and Video podcasts, support in the organisation of the study visit from the NPWE team and in the same time networking and possibilities for future cooperation with our NPWE members present on the study visit.

 Apply Submit your application by July 15, 2023 at:

The project is cofounded by EU and all the costs for the study visit will be covered within this project.

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