Public call for training and mentoring in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors in Kumanovo and Staro Nagoricane
If you want to be informed, further improve your knowledge or learn something new, and you also want to take part in one-on-one expert counseling, sign up! Depending on whether you are a producer engaged in agriculture or non-agricultural activities, see if you meet at least one of the listed conditions and register for two three-day professional trainings in your municipality.
Call for producers engaged in agriculture in the municipalities of Kumanovo and Staro Nagoricane
Basic conditions for participation in professional trainings in the field of agricultural production and processing are:
- You have a registered agricultural holding in the territory of one of the two municipalities: Kumanovo and Staro Nagoricane;
- You have a registered company engaged in one or more of the following activities: production of agricultural and/or horticultural crops and/or beekeeping and production of honey and/or production of products with added value (from fruits, vegetables, forest fruits and medicinal herbs) or production of milk and milk products;
- You want to improve the method of work and the technology of your production and/or processing facilities;
- You want to be more competitive in the market by improving your sales skills, market positioning, promotion, branding, certified (organic) production.
Call for producers engaged in non-agricultural activities in the municipalities of Kumanovo and Staro Nagoricane
Basic conditions for professional training in the field of non-agricultural activities are:
- You are engaged in non-agricultural activities (old crafts, production of various objects with traditional techniques and/or traditional motifs);
- You want to unite “your” (in)formal group of women and/or young people who are active in non-agricultural activities into an association or you want to register a small business in non-agricultural activities;
- You want to improve your work method and be more competitive on the market;
- You want to improve your skills in the field of marketing and sales.
You can register for the trainings in person or by phone and email, with the organizers of the trainings, namely:
For the municipality of Kumanovo: Civic Center Aktivum: or on 077 986 479
For the municipality of Staro Nagoricane: MIR Foundation: or on 02 3108 891
The professional trainings will be held in the period from August 15 to September 7, 2022 in each of the two municipalities. Professional counseling will take place from mid-August to mid-September. For more information about the exact dates, you can call the above contact information.
- Due to the limited space and number of places for the training, when selecting the 20 participants for each municipality, the first received applications for participation will be taken into account;
- At the end of each training, participants will have the opportunity to sign up for professional counseling “1 on 1” with experts;
- All applications for professional counseling will be reviewed, and some of the conditions for selecting a minimum of 5 participants for each municipality for professional counseling “1 on 1” are:
- to be the owner or member of a registered agricultural holding / member of a group of producers in the field of agricultural and non-agricultural activities, and/or
- there is a desire and need to improve the production and processing capacity, and/or there is a desire for market positioning or the introduction of a standard, and/or to improve sales, and/or to want to register a business, sector association or a cooperative.
The professional trainings and professional counseling in the two municipalities in North Macedonia, including in three municipalities in Serbia (Lebane, Vlasotince and Surdulica), are organized with the support of the European Union through the cross-border cooperation program Serbia – North Macedonia and the cross-border cooperation project “Better opportunities for the needs of underdeveloped areas”.